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Our Products

Sophia produces a variety of farm products for delivery direct to the consumer. Many of these are a side effect of the research and restoration activities at Sophia, others are produced on a contract basis.

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Fruit Trees

Fruit trees grown in the Central Valley of California frequently fail to survive when planted in the high desert environment of the eastern slope of the Sierras.


Sophia, through our subsidiary, has spent years locating, identifying, and cataloging fruit trees planted by the original settlers of the areas; we then propagate these trees onto modern root stocks.


We can provide apples, crabs, pears and cherries; in the case of apples and crabs we can provide specific flavor profiles, and in the case of apples we can provide ones uniquely suitable foreating fresh, baking, over-wintering, or cidering.

*If a product is not currently available, it can be contracted. Additionally, hogs cannot be contracted for delivery in  winter.



Sophia uses heritage breed hogs in movable enclosures (houses coupled with electric netting for predator control) to turn soil rather than mechanical tillage wherever possible. These hogs are small and typically take two years to get to a hanging weight around 100 pounds; we typically have only one or two available each year.


For most consumers we suggest buying a hog or half a hog, your choice of a Blue Butt, Hampshire or Yorkeshire, which will be delivered cut and wrapped to your specifications.

Free Range Poultry Farm


Sophia uses chickens as part of our pest control program. Chickens are housed in mobile shelters (chicken tractors with electric netting for predator control) and are typically straight-run heavyweight breeds suitable for broilers.


Chickens are delivered picked and frozen.

Fresh Herbs

Flowers & Herbs

Sophia produces medicinal and culinary herbs under contract; we also have the occasional over-production of crops intended for our own consumption; these are typically announced on our home page.

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